The Journal
To practice God’s Presence you may wish to keep a journal. Purchase a notebook with pockets to keep “thought scraps”, newspaper articles, letters from friends etc.
How To Start Your Journal
- Purchase a good pen.
Begin by writing down the obvious. Your location, the date and time. This will at least help you get started.
Describe what has been happening in the time since you last made a journal entry or begin today. Events that are significant to you for whatever reason make a good beginning. Make a point to notice detail, description, context etc., to the point that it is helpful to do so. You may write about dreams. You may wish to write a letter to someone important to you living or those who have been collected up to our ancestors. We know that the angels can deliver these letters with or without the help of the USPS- Describe your feelings that emerge as you describe these significant events.
- Remember that these feelings are your angels. These feelings may be depression, anxiety, fear, anger, joy, excitement, hope etc.
When you begin to write you may think that these feelings are “having you.”.As you write you will notice that it is “you who are having your feelings.”.This you will find freeing, enabling, hopeful and encouraging. You will find Grace to go on.
Journal daily or as often as you can.
You will find that your Journal will become a Companion for you.